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$(this).addClass(_styles.hover); }); $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.enabled).on("mouseout", function (e) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.hover).removeClass(_styles.hover); }); $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.enabled).on("mouseup", function (e) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if(_settings.enableCheckbox===true) { _controlHolded = false; }; var selected = $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.selected).length; _forcedTrigger = (_oldSelected.length != selected || selected == 0) ? true : false; _fireAfterItemClicked(); _unbind_on_events(); //remove old one _bind_on_events(); _lastTarget = null; }); /* options events */ if (_settings.disabledOptionEvents == false) { $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li).on("click", function (e) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; fireOptionEventIfExist(this, "click"); }); $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li).on("mouseenter", function (e) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; fireOptionEventIfExist(this, "mouseenter"); }); $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li).on("mouseover", function (e) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; fireOptionEventIfExist(this, "mouseover"); }); $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li).on("mouseout", function (e) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; fireOptionEventIfExist(this, "mouseout"); }); $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li).on("mousedown", function (e) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; fireOptionEventIfExist(this, "mousedown"); }); $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li).on("mouseup", function (e) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; fireOptionEventIfExist(this, "mouseup"); }); }; }; var _removeChildEvents = function () { var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); $("#" + childid).off("click"); $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.enabled).off("mouseenter"); $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.enabled).off("click"); $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.enabled).off("mouseover"); $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.enabled).off("mouseout"); $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.enabled).off("mousedown"); $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.enabled).off("mouseup"); }; var _applyEvents = function () { var id = _getPostID("postID"); var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); $("#" + id).on(_settings.event, function (e) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; fireEventIfExist("click"); //prevent body click e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); _open(e); }); _applyChildEvents(); $("#" + id).on("dblclick", on_dblclick); $("#" + id).on("mousemove", on_mousemove); $("#" + id).on("mouseenter", on_mouseover); $("#" + id).on("mouseleave", on_mouseout); $("#" + id).on("mousedown", on_mousedown); $("#" + id).on("mouseup", on_mouseup); }; //after create var _fixedForList = function () { var id = _getPostID("postID"); var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); if (_isList === true && _settings.enableCheckbox===false) { $("#" + id + " ." + _styles.ddTitle).hide(); $("#" + childid).css({display: 'block', position: 'relative'}); //_open(); } else { if(_settings.enableCheckbox===false) { _isMultiple = false; //set multiple off if this is not a list }; $("#" + id + " ." + _styles.ddTitle).show(); //$("#" + childid).css({display: 'none', position: 'absolute'}); $("#" + childid).css({display: 'none', position: 'relative'}); //set value var first = $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.selected)[0]; $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.selected).removeClass(_styles.selected); var index = _getIndex($(first).addClass(_styles.selected)); _setValue(index); }; _childHeight(_childHeight()); //get and set height }; var _fixedForDisabled = function () { var id = _getPostID("postID"); var opc = (_isDisabled == true) ? _settings.disabledOpacity : 1; if (_isDisabled === true) { $("#" + id).addClass(_styles.disabledAll); } else { $("#" + id).removeClass(_styles.disabledAll); }; }; var _fixedSomeUI = function () { //auto filter var tid = _getPostID("postTitleTextID"); $("#" + tid).on("keyup", _applyFilters); //if is list _fixedForList(); _fixedForDisabled(); }; var _createLayout = function () { var oDiv = _createWrapper(); var oTitle = _createTitle(); oDiv.appendChild(oTitle); //auto filter box var oFilterBox = _createFilterBox(); oDiv.appendChild(oFilterBox); var oChildren = _createChildren(); oDiv.appendChild(oChildren); $("#" + _element).after(oDiv); _hideOriginal(); //hideOriginal _fixedSomeUI(); _applyEvents(); var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); //append if(_settings.append!='') { $("#" + childid).append(_settings.append); }; //prepend if(_settings.prepend!='') { $("#" + childid).prepend(_settings.prepend); }; if (typeof _settings.on.create == "function") { _settings.on.create.apply(_this, arguments); }; }; var _selectMutipleOptions = function (bySelected) { var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); var selected = bySelected || $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.selected); //bySelected or by argument for (var i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { var ind = _getIndex(selected[i]); getElement(_element).options[ind].selected = "selected"; }; _setValue(selected); }; var _fireAfterItemClicked = function () { //console.log("_fireAfterItemClicked") var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); var selected = $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.selected); if (_isMultiple && (_shiftHolded || _controlHolded) || _forcedTrigger) { getElement(_element).selectedIndex = -1; //reset old }; var index; if (selected.length == 0) { index = -1; } else if (selected.length > 1) { //selected multiple _selectMutipleOptions(selected); //index = $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.selected); } else { //if one selected index = _getIndex($("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.selected)); }; if ((getElement(_element).selectedIndex != index || _forcedTrigger) && selected.length<=1) { _forcedTrigger = false; var evt = has_handler("change"); getElement(_element).selectedIndex = index; _setValue(index); //local if (typeof _settings.on.change == "function") { var d = _getDataAndUI(); _settings.on.change(d.data, d.ui); }; $("#" + _element).trigger("change"); }; }; var _setValue = function (index, byvalue) { if (index !== undefined) { var selectedIndex, value, selectedText; if (index == -1) { selectedIndex = -1; value = ""; selectedText = ""; _updateTitleUI(-1); } else { //by index or byvalue if (typeof index != "object") { var opt = getElement(_element).options[index]; getElement(_element).selectedIndex = index; selectedIndex = index; value = _parseOption(opt); selectedText = (index >= 0) ? getElement(_element).options[index].text : ""; _updateTitleUI(undefined, value); value = value.value; //for bottom } else { //this is multiple or by option selectedIndex = (byvalue && byvalue.index) || getElement(_element).selectedIndex; value = (byvalue && byvalue.value) || getElement(_element).value; selectedText = (byvalue && byvalue.text) || getElement(_element).options[getElement(_element).selectedIndex].text || ""; _updateTitleUI(selectedIndex); }; }; _updateProp("selectedIndex", selectedIndex); _updateProp("value", value); _updateProp("selectedText", selectedText); _updateProp("children", getElement(_element).children); _updateProp("uiData", _getDataAndUI()); _updateProp("selectedOptions", $("#" + _element + " option:selected")); }; }; var has_handler = function (name) { //True if a handler has been added in the html. var evt = {byElement: false, byJQuery: false, hasEvent: false}; var obj = $("#" + _element); //console.log(name) try { //console.log(obj.prop("on" + name) + " "+name); if (obj.prop("on" + name) !== null) { evt.hasEvent = true; evt.byElement = true; }; } catch(e) { //console.log(e.message); } // True if a handler has been added using jQuery. var evs; if (typeof $._data == "function") { //1.8 evs = $._data(obj[0], "events"); } else { evs = obj.data("events"); }; if (evs && evs[name]) { evt.hasEvent = true; evt.byJQuery = true; }; return evt; }; var _bind_on_events = function () { _unbind_on_events(); $("body").on("click", _close); //bind more events $(document).on("keydown", on_keydown); $(document).on("keyup", on_keyup); //focus will work on this }; var _unbind_on_events = function () { $("body").off("click", _close); //bind more events $(document).off("keydown", on_keydown); $(document).off("keyup", on_keyup); 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evt.stopPropagation(); //_hideFilterBox(); _next(); break; case UP_ARROW: case LEFT_ARROW: evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); //_hideFilterBox(); _previous(); break; case ESCAPE: case ENTER: evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); _close(); break; case SHIFT: _shiftHolded = true; break; case CONTROL: _controlHolded = true; break; default: if (evt.keyCode >= ALPHABETS_START && _isList === false) { //_showFilterBox(); }; break; }; if (_isDisabled === true) return false; fireEventIfExist("keydown"); }; var on_keyup = function (evt) { switch (evt.keyCode) { case SHIFT: _shiftHolded = false; break; case CONTROL: _controlHolded = false; break; }; if (_isDisabled === true) return false; fireEventIfExist("keyup"); }; var on_dblclick = function (evt) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; fireEventIfExist("dblclick"); }; var on_mousemove = function (evt) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; fireEventIfExist("mousemove"); }; var on_mouseover = function (evt) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; evt.preventDefault(); fireEventIfExist("mouseover"); }; var on_mouseout = function (evt) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; evt.preventDefault(); fireEventIfExist("mouseout"); }; var on_mousedown = function (evt) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; fireEventIfExist("mousedown"); }; var on_mouseup = function (evt) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; fireEventIfExist("mouseup"); }; var option_has_handler = function (opt, name) { //True if a handler has been added in the html. var evt = {byElement: false, byJQuery: false, hasEvent: false}; if ($(opt).prop("on" + name) != undefined) { evt.hasEvent = true; evt.byElement = true; }; // True if a handler has been added using jQuery. var evs = $(opt).data("events"); if (evs && evs[name]) { evt.hasEvent = true; evt.byJQuery = true; }; return evt; }; var fireOptionEventIfExist = function (li, evt_n) { if (_settings.disabledOptionEvents == false) { var opt = getElement(_element).options[_getIndex(li)]; //check if original has some if (option_has_handler(opt, evt_n).hasEvent === true) { if (option_has_handler(opt, evt_n).byElement === true) { opt["on" + evt_n](); }; if (option_has_handler(opt, evt_n).byJQuery === true) { switch (evt_n) { case "keydown": case "keyup": //key down/up will check later break; default: $(opt).trigger(evt_n); break; }; }; return false; }; }; }; var fireEventIfExist = function (evt_n) { //local if (typeof _settings.on[evt_n] == "function") { _settings.on[evt_n].apply(this, arguments); }; //check if original has some if (has_handler(evt_n).hasEvent === true) { if (has_handler(evt_n).byElement === true) { getElement(_element)["on" + evt_n](); }; if (has_handler(evt_n).byJQuery === true) { switch (evt_n) { case "keydown": case "keyup": //key down/up will check later break; default: $("#" + _element).trigger(evt_n); break; }; }; return false; }; }; /******************************* navigation **********************************************/ var _scrollToIfNeeded = function (opt) { var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); //if scroll is needed opt = (opt !== undefined) ? opt : $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.selected); if (opt.length > 0) { var pos = parseInt(($(opt).position().top)); var ch = parseInt($("#" + childid).height()); if (pos > ch) { var top = pos + $("#" + childid).scrollTop() - (ch/2); $("#" + childid); }; }; }; var _next = function () { var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); var items = $("#" + childid + " li:visible." + _styles_i.li); var selected = $("#" + childid + " li:visible." + _styles.selected); selected = (selected.length==0) ? items[0] : selected; var index = $("#" + childid + " li:visible." + _styles_i.li).index(selected); if ((index < items.length - 1)) { index = getNext(index); if (index < items.length) { //check again - hack for last disabled if (!_shiftHolded || !_isList || !_isMultiple) { $("#" + childid + " ." + _styles.selected).removeClass(_styles.selected); }; $(items[index]).addClass(_styles.selected); _updateTitleUI(index); if (_isList == true) { _fireAfterItemClicked(); }; _scrollToIfNeeded($(items[index])); }; if (!_isList) { _adjustOpen(); }; }; function getNext(ind) { ind = ind + 1; if (ind > items.length) { return ind; }; if ($(items[ind]).hasClass(_styles.enabled) === true) { return ind; }; return ind = getNext(ind); }; }; var _previous = function () { var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); var selected = $("#" + childid + " li:visible." + _styles.selected); var items = $("#" + childid + " li:visible." + _styles_i.li); var index = $("#" + childid + " li:visible." + _styles_i.li).index(selected[0]); if (index >= 0) { index = getPrev(index); if (index >= 0) { //check again - hack for disabled if (!_shiftHolded || !_isList || !_isMultiple) { $("#" + childid + " ." + _styles.selected).removeClass(_styles.selected); }; $(items[index]).addClass(_styles.selected); _updateTitleUI(index); if (_isList == true) { _fireAfterItemClicked(); }; if (parseInt(($(items[index]).position().top + $(items[index]).height())) <= 0) { var top = ($("#" + childid).scrollTop() - $("#" + childid).height()) - $(items[index]).height(); $("#" + childid); }; }; if (!_isList) { _adjustOpen(); }; }; function getPrev(ind) { ind = ind - 1; if (ind < 0) { return ind; }; if ($(items[ind]).hasClass(_styles.enabled) === true) { return ind; }; return ind = getPrev(ind); }; }; var _adjustOpen = function () { var id = _getPostID("postID"); var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); var pos = $("#" + id).offset(); var mH = $("#" + id).height(); var wH = $(window).height(); var st = $(window).scrollTop(); var cH = $("#" + childid).height(); var top = $("#" + id).height(); //this close so its title height var contBottom = $("#" + id).closest('.btQuoteBooking').offset().top + $("#" + id).closest('.btQuoteBooking').height(); if (contBottom < Math.floor(cH + mH + pos.top) || _settings.openDirection.toLowerCase() == 'alwaysup') { top = cH; $("#" + childid).css({top: "-" + top + "px", display: 'block', zIndex: _settings.zIndex}); $("#" + id).removeClass("borderRadius borderRadiusTp").addClass("borderRadiusBtm"); var top = $("#" + childid).offset().top; if (top < -10) { $("#" + childid).css({top: (parseInt($("#" + childid).css("top")) - top + 20 + st) + "px", zIndex: _settings.zIndex}); $("#" + id).removeClass("borderRadiusBtm borderRadiusTp").addClass("borderRadius"); }; } else { $("#" + childid).css({top: top + "px", zIndex: _settings.zIndex}); $("#" + id).removeClass("borderRadius borderRadiusBtm").addClass("borderRadiusTp"); }; //hack for ie zindex //i hate ie :D /*if($.browser.msie) { if(parseInt($.browser.version)<=7) { $('div.ddcommon').css("zIndex", _settings.zIndex-10); $("#" + id).css("zIndex", _settings.zIndex+5); }; };*/ }; var _open = function (e) { if (_isDisabled === true) return false; var id = _getPostID("postID"); var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); if (!_isOpen) { _isOpen = true; if (msBeautify.oldDiv != '') { $("#" + msBeautify.oldDiv).css({display: "none"}); //hide all }; msBeautify.oldDiv = childid; $("#" + childid + " li:hidden").show(); //show if hidden _adjustOpen(); var animStyle = _settings.animStyle; if(animStyle=="" || animStyle=="none") { $("#" + childid).css({display:"block"}); _scrollToIfNeeded(); if (typeof _settings.on.open == "function") { var d = _getDataAndUI(); _settings.on.open(d.data, d.ui); }; } else { $("#" + childid)[animStyle]("fast", function () { _scrollToIfNeeded(); if (typeof _settings.on.open == "function") { var d = _getDataAndUI(); _settings.on.open(d.data, d.ui); }; }); }; _bind_on_events(); } else { if(_settings.event!=='mouseover') { _close(); }; }; }; var _close = function (e) { _isOpen = false; var id = _getPostID("postID"); var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); if (_isList === false || _settings.enableCheckbox===true) { $("#" + childid).css({display: "none"}); $("#" + id).removeClass("borderRadiusTp borderRadiusBtm").addClass("borderRadius"); }; _unbind_on_events(); if (typeof _settings.on.close == "function") { var d = _getDataAndUI(); _settings.on.close(d.data, d.ui); }; //rest some old stuff _hideFilterBox(); _childHeight(_childHeight()); //its needed after filter applied $("#" + childid).css({zIndex:1}) }; /*********************** *************************************/ var _mergeAllProp = function () { _orginial = $.extend(true, {}, getElement(_element)); for (var i in _orginial) { if (typeof _orginial[i] != "function") { _this[i] = _orginial[i]; //properties }; }; _this.selectedText = (_orginial.selectedIndex >= 0) ? _orginial.options[_orginial.selectedIndex].text : ""; _this.version = msBeautify.version.msDropdown; _this.author = msBeautify.author; }; var _getDataAndUIByOption = function (opt) { if (opt != null && typeof opt != "undefined") { var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); var data = _parseOption(opt); var ui = $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li + ":eq(" + (opt.index) + ")"); return {data: data, ui: ui, option: opt, index: opt.index}; }; return null; }; var _getDataAndUI = function () { var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); var ele = getElement(_element); var data, ui, option, index; if (ele.selectedIndex == -1) { data = null; ui = null; option = null; index = -1; } else { ui = $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.selected); if (ui.length > 1) { var d = [], op = [], ind = []; for (var i = 0; i < ui.length; i++) { var pd = _getIndex(ui[i]); d.push(pd); op.push(ele.options[pd]); }; data = d; option = op; index = d; } else { option = ele.options[ele.selectedIndex]; data = _parseOption(option); index = ele.selectedIndex; }; }; return {data: data, ui: ui, index: index, option: option}; }; var _updateTitleUI = function (index, byvalue) { var titleid = _getPostID("postTitleID"); var value = {}; if (index == -1) { value.text = " "; value.className = ""; value.description = ""; value.image = ""; } else if (typeof index != "undefined") { var opt = getElement(_element).options[index]; value = _parseOption(opt); } else { value = byvalue; }; //update title and current $("#" + titleid).find("." + _styles.label).html(value.text); var textnode = document.createTextNode( value.description ); var desc = _createElement("span", {className: _styles.description}); desc.appendChild( textnode ); $("#" + titleid).find("." + _styles.description).remove(); $("#" + titleid).find("." + _styles.label).append( desc ); getElement(titleid).className = _styles.ddTitleText + " " + value.className; $("#" + titleid).removeClass( 'btNotSelected' ); $("#" + titleid).closest( '.btContactField' ).removeClass( 'btNotSelected' ); if ( value.value == '' ) { $("#" + titleid).addClass( 'btNotSelected' ); $("#" + titleid).closest( '.btContactField' ).addClass( 'btNotSelected' ); } //update desction if (value.description != "") { $("#" + titleid).find("." + _styles.description).html(value.description).show(); } else { $("#" + titleid).find("." + _styles.description).html("").hide(); }; //update icon var img = $("#" + titleid).find("img"); if (img.length > 0) { $(img).parent().remove(); }; if (value.image != "" && _settings.showIcon) { img = _createElement("img", {src: value.image}); var imgParent = _createElement("span", {className: "ddImage"}); imgParent.appendChild(img); $("#" + titleid).prepend(imgParent); if(value.imagecss!="") { img.className = value.imagecss+" "; }; if (value.description == "") { img.className = img.className+_styles_i.fnone; }; }; }; var _updateProp = function (p, v) { _this[p] = v; }; var _updateUI = function (a, opt, i) { //action, index, opt var childid = _getPostID("postChildID"); var wasSelected = false; switch (a) { case "add": var li = _createChild(opt || getElement(_element).options[i]); var index; if (arguments.length == 3) { index = i; } else { index = $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li).length - 1; }; if (index < 0 || !index) { $("#" + childid + " ul").append(li); } else { var at = $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li)[index]; $(at).before(li); }; _removeChildEvents(); _applyChildEvents(); if (_settings.on.add != null) { _settings.on.add.apply(this, arguments); }; break; case "remove": wasSelected = $($("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li)[i]).hasClass(_styles.selected); $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li + ":eq(" + i + ")").remove(); var items = $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.enabled); if (wasSelected == true) { if (items.length > 0) { $(items[0]).addClass(_styles.selected); var ind = $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li).index(items[0]); _setValue(ind); }; }; if (items.length == 0) { _setValue(-1); }; if ($("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li).length < _settings.visibleRows && !_isList) { _childHeight(-1); //set autoheight }; if (_settings.on.remove != null) { _settings.on.remove.apply(this, arguments); }; break; }; }; /************************** public methods/events **********************/ this.act = function () { var action = arguments[0]; Array.prototype.shift.call(arguments); switch (action) { case "add": _this.add.apply(this, arguments); break; case "remove": _this.remove.apply(this, arguments); break; default: try { getElement(_element)[action].apply(getElement(_element), arguments); } catch (e) { //there is some error. }; break; }; }; this.add = function () { var text, value, title, image, description; var obj = arguments[0]; if (typeof obj == "string") { text = obj; value = text; opt = new Option(text, value); } else { text = obj.text || ''; value = obj.value || text; title = obj.title || ''; image = obj.image || ''; description = obj.description || ''; //image:imagePath, title:title, description:description, value:opt.value, text:opt.text, className:opt.className||"" opt = new Option(text, value); $(opt).data("description", description); $(opt).data("image", image); $(opt).data("title", title); }; arguments[0] = opt; //this option getElement(_element).add.apply(getElement(_element), arguments); _updateProp("children", getElement(_element)["children"]); _updateProp("length", getElement(_element).length); _updateUI("add", opt, arguments[1]); }; this.remove = function (i) { getElement(_element).remove(i); _updateProp("children", getElement(_element)["children"]); _updateProp("length", getElement(_element).length); _updateUI("remove", undefined, i); }; this.set = function (prop, val) { if (typeof prop == "undefined" || typeof val == "undefined") return false; prop = prop.toString(); try { _updateProp(prop, val); } catch (e) {/*this is ready only */}; switch (prop) { case "size": getElement(_element)[prop] = val; 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if (val == 0) { $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li).remove(); _setValue(-1); } else { $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles_i.li + ":gt(" + (val - 1) + ")").remove(); if ($("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.selected).length == 0) { $("#" + childid + " li." + _styles.enabled + ":eq(0)").addClass(_styles.selected); }; }; _updateProp(prop, val); _updateProp("children", getElement(_element)["children"]); }; break; case "id": //please i need this. so preventing to change it. will work on this later break; default: //check if this is not a readonly properties try { getElement(_element)[prop] = val; _updateProp(prop, val); } catch (e) { //silent }; break; } }; this.get = function (prop) { return _this[prop] || getElement(_element)[prop]; //return if local else from original }; this.visible = function (val) { var id = _getPostID("postID"); if (val === true) { $("#" + id).show(); } else if (val === false) { $("#" + id).hide(); } else { return ($("#" + id).css("display")=="none") ? false : true; 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$("#" + id + ", #" + id + " *").off(); $("#" + id).remove(); $("#" + _element).parent().replaceWith($("#" + _element)); $("#" + _element).data("dd", null); }; //Create msDropDown _construct(); }; //bind in jquery $.fn.extend({ msDropDown: function(settings) { return this.each(function() { if (!$(this).data('dd')){ var mydropdown = new dd(this, settings); $(this).data('dd', mydropdown); }; }); } }); $.fn.msDropdown = $.fn.msDropDown; //make a copy })(jQuery); // source --> https://apm-technologie.com/wp/wp-content/plugins/bt_cost_calculator/cc.main.js?ver=5.6.1 // Cost calculator // author: Bold Themes - http://www.bold-themes.com/ // Date: 15 Nov, 2017 // web: http://www.bold-themes.com (function( $ ) { // --------------- // Functions start // --------------- // Base functions window.bt_parse_float = function( x ) { r = parseFloat( x ); if ( isNaN( r ) ) r = 0; return r; } $.fn.bt_cc_lock = function(){ $(this).addClass( 'btCCLock' ); } $.fn.bt_cc_unlock = function(){ $(this).removeClass( 'btCCLock' ); } window.bt_cc_eval_conditions = function( val, conditions ){ if ( conditions == '' ) return false; if ( val == '' ) val = 0; bt_cc_conditions = conditions.split("#bt_cc_nl#"); $.each( bt_cc_conditions, function( index, value ) { bt_cc_single_condition = bt_cc_conditions[index].split(";"); eval_action = bt_cc_single_condition[2]; if ( bt_cc_single_condition[3] == 'lock' ) { eval_action += '.bt_cc_lock()'; } else if ( bt_cc_single_condition[3] == 'unlock' ) { eval_action += '.bt_cc_unlock()'; } eval_code = 'if ( ' + val + decodeURIComponent( bt_cc_single_condition[0] ) + ' ) { $(\'#btQuoteItem' + bt_cc_single_condition[1] + '\').' + eval_action + '; }' ; //alert( eval_code ); eval( eval_code ); }); //alert( $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); } // Paypal calculation window.bt_paypal_items = function( c ) { $( c ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).find( '.btPayPalButton' ).length > 0 ) { var form = $( this ).find( '.btPayPalButton' ).next(); form.find( '.btPayPalItem' ).remove(); var x = 0; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteBookingForm' ).children( '.btQuoteItem' ).each(function() { var unit_price = 0; var val = 0; var selected_name = ''; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteText' ).each(function() { unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).val() ); }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ).each(function() { unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'value' ) ); val = 1; selected_name = $( this ).find( '.ddlabel' )[0].innerHTML; if ( $( this ).is( ':first-child' ) ) { selected_name = ''; } }); var is_slider = false; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).slider( 'value' ) ); is_slider = true; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'on' ) ); } else { unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'off' ) ); } val = 1; }); var label = $( this ).find( 'label' ).html(); if ( is_slider ) { label = label + ': ' + val; } if ( selected_name != '' ) { selected_name = selected_name.replace( '', '/' ); selected_name = selected_name.replace( '', '' ); if ( label.endsWith( '?' ) || label.endsWith( ':' ) ) { label = label + ' ' + selected_name; } else { label = label + ': ' + selected_name; } } val = val * unit_price; if ( label !== undefined && val > 0 ) { x++; val = val.toFixed( 2 ); form.append( '' ); } }); // multiply $( this ).find( '.btQuoteBookingForm' ).children( '.btQuoteMBlock' ).each(function() { var m_total = 1; var m_first = true; var m_val = 0; var selected_name = ''; var label = ''; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteItem' ).each(function() { $( this ).find( '.btQuoteText' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).val() ); val = val * unit_price; if ( m_first ) { m_val = val; label = $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteItem' ).find( 'label' ).html(); } else { m_total *= val; } m_first = false; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ).each(function() { var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'value' ) ); if ( m_first ) { m_val = val; label = $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteItem' ).find( 'label' ).html(); selected_name = $( this ).find( '.ddlabel' )[0].innerHTML; selected_name = selected_name.substring( 0, selected_name.indexOf( ' 0 && m_val > 0 ) { x++; m_val = m_val.toFixed( 2 ); form.append( '' ); } }); // group $( this ).find( '.btQuoteBookingForm' ).children( '.btQuoteGBlock' ).each(function() { var eval_code = $( this ).data( 'eval' ); var paypal_label = $( this ).data( 'paypal_label' ); var group_array = []; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteItem' ).each(function() { var val; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteText' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).val() ); val = val * unit_price; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ).each(function() { val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'value' ) ); }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).slider( 'value' ) ); $( this ).parent().find( '.btQuoteSliderValue' ).html( val ); val = val * unit_price; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'on' ) ); } else { val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'off' ) ); } }); group_array.push( val ); }); var patt = /\$\d/igm; var match = eval_code.match( patt ); for ( var i = 0; i < match.length; i++ ) { eval_code = eval_code.replace( match[ i ], group_array[ i ] ); } var g_total = eval( '(function() {' + decodeURIComponent(eval_code) + '}())' ); if ( paypal_label != '' && g_total > 0 ) { x++; g_total = g_total.toFixed( 2 ); form.append( '' ); } }); } }); } // Total calculation window.bt_quote_total = function( c ) { var c = $( c ); total = 0; c.find( '.btQuoteText' ).not( '.btQuoteMBlock .btQuoteText' ).not( '.btQuoteGBlock .btQuoteText' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).val() ); val = val * unit_price; total += val; }); c.find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).not( '.btQuoteMBlock .btQuoteSelect' ).not( '.btQuoteGBlock .btQuoteSelect' ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ).each(function() { var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'value' ) ); total += val; }); c.find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).not( '.btQuoteMBlock .btQuoteSlider' ).not( '.btQuoteGBlock .btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); var offset = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'offset' ) ); var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).slider( 'value' ) ); $( this ).parent().find( '.btQuoteSliderValue' ).html( val ); val = val * unit_price; total += val; if ( ! $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ).find( '.btPayPalButton' ).length > 0 ) { total += offset; } }); c.find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).not( '.btQuoteMBlock .btQuoteSwitch' ).not( '.btQuoteGBlock .btQuoteSwitch' ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { total += bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'on' ) ); } else { total += bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'off' ) ); } }); // multiply c.find( '.btQuoteMBlock' ).each(function() { var m_total = 0; var m_first = true; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteText' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).val() ); val = val * unit_price; if ( m_first ) { m_total = val; } else { m_total *= val; } m_first = false; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ).each(function() { var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'value' ) ); if ( m_first ) { m_total = val; } else { m_total *= val; } m_first = false; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); var offset = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'offset' ) ); var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).slider( 'value' ) ); $( this ).parent().find( '.btQuoteSliderValue' ).html( val ); val = val * unit_price; if ( m_first ) { m_total = val; } else { m_total *= val; } m_total += offset; m_first = false; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'on' ) ); } else { var val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'off' ) ); } if ( m_first ) { m_total = val; } else { m_total *= val; } m_first = false; }); total += m_total; }); // group c.find( '.btQuoteGBlock' ).each(function() { var eval_code = $( this ).data( 'eval' ); var group_array = []; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteItem .btQuoteItemInput' ).each(function() { var val = 0; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteText' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).val() ); val = val * unit_price; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ).each(function() { val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'value' ) ); }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); var offset = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'offset' ) ); val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).slider( 'value' ) ); $( this ).parent().find( '.btQuoteSliderValue' ).html( val ); val = val * unit_price; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'on' ) ); } else { val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'off' ) ); } }); group_array.push( val ); }); var patt = /\$\d+/igm; var match = eval_code.match( patt ); for ( var i = 0; i < match.length; i++ ) { eval_code = eval_code.replace( match[ i ], group_array[ i ] ); } var g_total = eval( '(function() {' + decodeURIComponent(eval_code) + '}())' ); total += g_total; }); total = total.toFixed( 2 ).replace( /(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$1,' ); c.find( '.btQuoteTotalCalc' ).html( total ); c.find( '.btQuoteTotalCalc' ).data( 'total', total ); } // Init functions // Dropdown init window.bt_cc_init_dropdown = function( elem, id, index ) { elem.set( "selectedIndex", index ); var ui2 = $( id ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ); var val = elem.getData().data.value; ui2.data( 'value', val ); bt_cc_eval_conditions( val, ui2.closest( '.btQuoteSelect' ).data( 'condition' ) ); bt_quote_total( ui2.closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ) ); bt_paypal_items( ui2.closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ) ); } // Base init window.bt_cc_init = function( ) { $( ".btQuoteBooking" ).each(function( index ) { var c = $( this ); // Init elements c.find( '.btContactDate' ).datepicker({ beforeShow: function( input, inst ) { $( '.ui-datepicker' ).addClass( 'btDatePicker' ); } }); c.find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { $( this ).slider({ min: $( this ).data( 'min' ), max: $( this ).data( 'max' ), step: $( this ).data( 'step' ), value: $( this ).data( 'value' ), change: function( event, ui ) { bt_cc_eval_conditions( $( this ).slider( 'value' ), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); } }); bt_cc_eval_conditions( $( this ).data( 'value' ), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); }); c.find( '.ui-slider-handle' ).each(function() { $( this ).append( $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteItemInput' ).find( $( '.btQuoteSliderValue' ) ) ); }); c.find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).on( 'click', function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { $( this ).removeClass( 'on' ); bt_cc_eval_conditions( $( this ).data( 'off' ), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); } else { $( this ).addClass( 'on' ); bt_cc_eval_conditions( $( this ).data( 'on' ), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); } bt_quote_total( c ); bt_paypal_items( c ); }); c.find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).each( function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { bt_cc_eval_conditions( $( this ).data( 'on' ), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); } else { bt_cc_eval_conditions( $( this ).data( 'off' ), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); } }); c.find( '.btPayPalButton' ).on( 'click', function() { $( this ).next().submit(); }); c.find( '.btQuoteText' ).each(function() { bt_cc_eval_conditions( $( this ).val(), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); }); c.find( '.btQuoteText' ).keyup(function() { bt_quote_total( c ); bt_paypal_items( c ); bt_cc_eval_conditions( $( this ).val(), $( this ).data( 'condition' ) ); }); c.find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { var this_slider = $( this ); $( this ).slider({ slide: function( event, ui ) { var val = ui.value; this_slider.slider( 'value', val ); bt_quote_total( c ); bt_paypal_items( c ); } }); }); c.find( '.btContactNext' ).click(function() { $( 'html, body' ).delay( 1000 ).animate({ scrollTop: ( $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ).find( '.btTotalQuoteContactGroup' ).offset().top - 30 ) }, 400 ); var contact_group = $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ).find( '.btTotalQuoteContactGroup' ); $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ).find( '.btTotalQuoteContactGroup' ).addClass( 'btActive' ); $( this ).closest( '.btQuoteBooking' ).find( '.btQuoteBookingForm' ).removeClass( 'btActive' ); }); c.find( '.btContactSubmit' ).click(function() { c.find( '.btContactFieldError' ).removeClass( 'btContactFieldError' ); var val = true; c.find( '.btContactField' ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).parent().hasClass( 'btContactFieldMandatory' ) && ( ( $( this ).val() == '' && ! $( this ).hasClass( 'btContactTime' ) ) || ( $( this ).hasClass( 'btContactTime' ) && $( this ).hasClass( 'btNotSelected' ) ) ) ) { $( this ).parent().addClass( 'btContactFieldError' ); val = false; } }); if ( ! val ) { c.find( '.btSubmitMessage' ).hide().html( c.data( 'message_mandatory' ) ).fadeIn(); return false; } var quote = ''; var back = 0; var bt_is_odd = function( n ) { return ( n % 2 ) == 1; } c.find( '.btQuoteItem' ).each(function() { back++; var item_val = 0; var selected_name = ''; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteText' ).each(function() { item_val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).val() ); }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSelect' ).find( '._msddli_.selected' ).each(function() { selected_name = $( this ).find( '.ddlabel' )[0].innerHTML; if ( $( this ).is( ':first-child' ) ) { selected_name = ''; } item_val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'value' ) ); }); var is_slider = false; var slider_val; $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSlider' ).each(function() { var unit_price = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'price' ) ); slider_val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).slider( 'value' ) ); item_val = slider_val * unit_price; is_slider = true; }); $( this ).find( '.btQuoteSwitch' ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'on' ) ) { item_val = bt_parse_float( $( this ).data( 'on' ) ); 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} var data = { 'action': 'bt_cc', 'recaptcha_response': recaptcha_response, 'recaptcha_secret': c.data( 'rec_secret_key' ), 'admin_email': c.data( 'admin_email' ), 'email_client': c.data( 'email_client' ), 'currency': c.data( 'currency' ), 'currency_after': c.data( 'currency_after' ), 'email_confirmation': email_confirmation, 'url_confirmation': c.data( 'url_confirmation' ), 'subject': c.data( 'subject' ), 'quote' : quote, 'total' : c.find( '.btQuoteTotalCalc' ).data( 'total' ), 'name' : c.find( '.btContactName' ).val(), 'email' : c.find( '.btContactEmail' ).val(), 'phone' : c.find( '.btContactPhone' ).val(), 'address' : c.find( '.btContactAddress' ).val(), 'date' : c.find( '.btContactDate' ).val(), 'time' : c.find( '.btContactTime ._msddli_.selected .ddlabel' ).html(), 'date_text': c.data( 'date_text' ), 'time_text': c.data( 'time_text' ), 'message' : c.find( '.btContactMessage' ).val() }; c.find( '.btSubmitMessage' ).hide().html( c.data( 'message_please_wait' ) ).fadeIn(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: c.data( 'url_ajax' ), data: data, async: true, success: function( response ) { response = $.trim( response ); 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